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GLP-1 “light?”—Can you still get weight loss results with lower doses, less side effects and lower cost?

Bridgette Barlow

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

New GLP-1 weight loss medications have changed my health coaching and weight loss practice! In my professional opinion, these medications are best used by taking what I call an "integrative approach to weight loss"-- one that combines medication support with lifestyle habit changes and even looking into hormone balance as a root cause factor for weight difficulties.

New GLP-1 agonist drugs are taking the weight loss market by storm! And as temping as they sound, it’s understandable to be concerned with using prescription drugs, experiencing side effects and then the possibility of regaining the weight later! That’s enough to scare many people away, but I’m here to tell you that there IS a way to use these prescriptions in small doses and still get big benefit!  And no, using weight loss prescriptions is NOT cheating—it’s science!! Read on!

The following article is written based on my account of coaching clients who are using GLP-1s and the results that I have personally witnessed thus far over the last 1.5 years of coaching clients on weight loss WHILE using Semaglutide (active ingredient in brand name drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy).

What are GLP-1s?

GLP-1 drugs are a class of drugs originally developed for diabetes and recently approved for weight loss.  These are by far the most effective weight loss drugs we have ever seen.  You may recognize some of the names of these drugs as semaglutide (Ozempic/wegovy) and tirzepetide (Zepbound/Mounjaro).

To put it simply, GLP-1's are a class of medications that act like a hormone that we naturally produce in our gut. This hormone causes a feeling of satiety by the way it communicates with our brain to signal fullness. These medications also slow the movement of food through our digestive system which helps produce fullness cues in the brain. GLP-1's also help to control blood sugar and insulin response which is one of the biggest factors that make losing weight difficult for so many people. We can address this with diet, but the GLP-1's will speed up this process while we work on the lifestyle end of things, which is equally as important if we want lasting results.

Are they safe?

Generally, GLP-1s have been shown to be safe and effective. However, like any medication, they can have potential side effects. The most common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Of my weight loss coaching clients who are on GLP-1s, the most common side effects are slight nausea at times (especially in the first 1-3 days following the injection) and some constipation. These side effects are often temporary and tend to improve over time. They are also usually easily managed and stay minimal on lower doses. There are very few contraindications to using these medications, but those who should not use them are those with a history of thyroid cancer or pancreatitis. Also, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use GLP-1s. You can find more drug information on semaglutide HERE.

Who can benefit most from these drugs?  

These are some of the characteristics of those who start GLP-1 drugs and see benefit:

  • Obese OR overweight with health problems like metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, PCOS or other hormonal imbalances, etc

  • Experiencing midlife hormonal shifts that are increasing belly fat and making weight loss seem impossible.

  • Have tried many diets with no success, or weight regain

  • Get extreme food cravings with every diet or weight loss effort

  • Tired of overly restrictive dieting and following a ton of food rules

  • Spent thousands of dollars on previous weight loss programs

NOTE that you DO NOT need to be morbidly obese or have any major health issues to be prescribed GLP-1 meds.

Can smaller doses get results?

While this may not work for everyone, the majority of the clients I’m working with are using small doses and getting results! In fact, I whole-heartedly believe this is the perfect way to use these medications! In other words, we want just enough of a dose to “take the edge off” to make the necessary lifestyle changes much easier—and trust me, it does! Even small doses can have the effect of reducing appetite and eliminating the nagging “food noise” that our “diet brains” are constantly screaming at us. This, alone, is such a relief for so many of my chronic-dieting clients who are lost in a sea of what “diet” to do next! Not only that, but these drugs are even now being studied in their effectiveness to break addictions—food, sugar, alcohol, shopping, smoking, etc. Even at low doses, clients I have worked with are experiencing these effects as well. Suddenly, the urge to reach for sugar or alcohol is just gone!

All patients who use these drugs start off on a low dose and titrate up. However, there is something to be said about feeling okay with being hungry SOMETIMES. Hunger is a NORMAL physical experience and we should not be aiming to take it away! Why? Because that’s not realistic for real life. Many times, those using these meds will continue to go up in dose until appetite is gone. This may be temporarily helpful, but over the long-term, patients are not learning to actually deal with hunger or cravings in a healthy way. This will backfire later when no longer on the medication.

Benefits of using lower doses:

  • Less costly (will last you longer for less money spent overtime!)

  • Less side effects

  • Easier to come off of later!

  • Possible LOWER risk of weight regain due to lifestyle changes (as listed below) and proper habits being put into place before discontinuing use.

If these drugs are seen as a “magic pill” and the factors I’ve listed below are not addressed, weight may be lost, but I would consider it temporary. This might be fine if intending to stay on these medications forever, which is an option! However, within my experience, most people have the desire to lose the weight and then get off of the meds. If that’s the case, I believe that this can be done. However, it’s important to note that maintenance of weight loss is not guaranteed but some preliminary studies are showing that those who change their lifestyle while on the medications keep of most or all of the weight off later. There may be a small percentage of people who need to stay on these drugs long term in order to keep their weight loss results, but I don’t feel that this is the norm.

The thing to remember is that a drug alone can’t change someone’s brain to no longer have cravings or fix insulin resistance. In order to achieve long term results, the patient still has to put in the work. We can’t expect these medications to “fix” the body and then not have it return back to our previous state if no significant work is done to correct underlying factors and poor lifestyle habits.

An integrative approach to weight loss using low doses of GLP-1s combined with lifestyle coaching

Far too many people are being prescribed GLP-1’s without adequate lifestyle coaching (or any!) thus setting them up for spending a lot of money and not getting lasting results…and having a lot of side effects in the process!

I’ve been coaching clients on Semaglutide for over 1.5 years now and this is what I’m finding to be the most effective protocol for weight loss while on this medication.

  1. Start on low dose Semaglutide and titrate up only as absolutely necessary (as per discussions with coach and prescribing provider)

  2. (Optional but suggested) Address possible hormonal imbalances via labs and visit with a functional medicine practitioner (it is common for hormones to be part or all of the root cause of weight gain!)

  3. Get on an excellent supplement regimen to help balance hormones, sleep, stress and fill in any nutritional gaps

  4. Start on a protocol of eating a high protein diet with high fiber carbs and moderate fat

  5. Get regular exercise, especially resistance training to maintain muscle

  6. Address mindset around food and what caused weight issues to begin with (get to the root cause so that you can keep the weight off later)

  7. Monitor body composition in order to ensure no loss of muscle mass and take action if muscle is dropping and slow down weight loss that is moving too fast

Other vitally important lifestyle considerations for those with weight loss resistance or women in perimenopause or menopause.

I deep-dive into these, as well, in my Metabolic Transformation Method for women over 35 with weight loss resistance. 

8.   Learn to control stress levels and the physical stress response (can 100% be the cause of weight gain and weight loss resistance due to its effect on hormones).

9.   Improve sleep.

10.  Learn natural methods for balancing fat burning versus fat storing hormones

11.   Improve detoxification through gut and liver health.

12.  Address inflammation and insulin resistance.

We now have drugs that make weight loss possible for those who have been struggling! I can’t emphasize enough that we need to take the stigma away that surrounds use of these helpful medications. When examining risks, the SMALL risks and side effects associated with these meds don’t compare to the LARGE risks of being overweight, as excess weight can have major physical, mental and emotional impacts. This should be a discussion between you and your healthcare provider based on your personal health status.

As a health coach, I’m on a mission to help patients who are being prescribed these drugs use them the right way so they can achieve all the success they desire!  If YOU are on one of these medications and not receiving adequate lifestyle guidance or support, please reach out to me.

If you are interested in compounded Semaglutide, I can provide you some pricing and set you up with a medical provider who can review if this medication is right for you! This option is only available for those in the Orlando area or willing to travel to Orlando for an in-person visit. However, anyone can work with me for weight loss coaching, no matter where you live! All coaching is virtual!

Click below to download my GLP-1 Quick Start Guide which includes my 5-step roadmap to jumpstarting your weight loss success and how to start the process of obtaining a prescription if you desire and/or getting the most out of your GLP-1 prescription.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. Bridgette Barlow is not a licensed medical professional, and the content shared here or in any of my materials or events should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any health condition. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or supplementation.

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Bridgette Barlow and B4 and After Health and Fitness LLC do not offer medical advice from this website or any corresponding materials, programs, downloads. articles or products. This information is offered for educational purposes only. Do Not act or rely upon this information without seeking independent professional medical advice. This information is not intended for any patient or client care or treatment purposes, and the recipient of this information should not rely on it as care or treatment advice or information. The transmission of this information does not, on its own, create a client-coach relationship between you and Bridgette Barlow and/or B4 and After Health and Fitness LLC. Bridgette Barlow and B4 and After Health and Fitness LLC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any resource, information, apparatus, product, or process available at or from this website or any of it's corresponding materials, programs, downloads, articles or products.

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