B4 and After
Metabolic Transformation Method
A method for women age 35-55 who want to age powerfully, beat hormonal symptoms, and stop the weight gain!

Are you a woman over 35 who is experiencing physical changes and lately losing weight seems impossible, no matter what you try? But it's maybe not even so much the weight, but you feel "soft" and "flabby" and you have a thicker waistline that you'd like?
Or maybe you're even gaining weight.
Guess what, it's not your fault and you CAN get a handle on your hormones, weight and overall health and wellbeing, with the right approach!
If you just KNOW that another "diet" isn't the right approach and you're ready to let go of the scale number in favor of losing actual FAT and gaining muscle,
For the woman who just wants to feel like herself again and take back control of her body!
I have solutions for you and it goes WAY beyond the common belief of eating less and exercising more!
(In fact, those may be the very things that are making matters worse!)
Why can't I lose weight?
As we age, our ovarian hormone levels decline, right along with our body's ability to handle life's stressors as well as it used to. Cortisol, the "stress hormone," increases or begins to spike at the wrong time of the day. This alone can cause blood sugar and insulin instability and even lead to insulin resistance, leptin resistance and thyroid issues! These imbalances are so incredibly common among women over 35 and they can make it nearly impossible to lose weight despite your best efforts!
Que weight gain!
So what can be done and how do we mitigate the natural aging process to save our health, our wellbeing and our waistlines? This can be one of the most frustrating paradoxes that plague so many women— especially in perimenopause and menopausal years! What’s going on here and how do you fix it? If diet and exercise isn’t working then what will?
We are often taught that eating less and exercising more is the magical formula, but to those who have tried and see no result— we're frustrated and we know there’s got to be MORE than that !
I have solutions for you!
How do I know this program is right for me?
Diets don’t work anymore, and you’re not losing any weight or may even be gaining weight! Or, the weight come back fast after dieting. ​
​You’re storing fat or bloat in the midsection of your body
Your carb, sugar, and/or salt cravings are our of control
You’re hungry all the time or never hungry
Your thyroid numbers are out of range or you're experiencing symptoms of thyroid imbalance.
You have lower energy than you would like
You wake frequently during the night and/or never feel rested
Your blood sugar or insulin lab numbers have crept up over the years
You feel like you have a poor relationship with food, caffeine or alcohol.
You're confused by all the conflicting dietary advice out there and are not sure how to eat for your best health and metabolism.
You know hormones play a role, but you want to better understand how they are impacting you and what you can do to balance them.
If you answered YES to more than 3 of these,
This program is FOR YOU!
In the Metabolic Transformation Method, you will learn how to
address the ROOT causes of the hormonal changes that are affecting your metabolism!
A body that has imbalanced hormones, isn't managing stress well or perceives "survival mode" can't lose weight.
The Metabolic Transformation Method addresses the key elements that create harmony in the nervous system, allowing energy to restore and hormones to balance...upregulating fat-burning hormones and downregulating fat-storage hormones.
Through this step-by-step process, we will correct the root causes of your weight loss resistance and you will learn practical tools to restore a sense of "safety" in the body so it can release the extra weight! Not only will you restore the metabolism, making weight loss and muscle tone more attainable, but you'll ALSO gain back your energy and feel strong, fit, confident and sexy for years to come!
You learn how to truly optimize detoxification through the gut and liver (an ESSENTIAL part of optimizing the metabolism) as well as how to avoid "retoxification."
You'll also learn how to maximize results from your workouts by learning how to work WITH your body and not against it. Knowing HOW to workout that is specific to YOU, will help you build muscle and achieve the best results in the least amount of extra time spent working out.
Introducing, my signature approach to addressing hormonal symptoms and metabolic health!
Other benefits of MTM
Most women can expect to feel...
Increased energy
Improved sleep
Better coping with stress and emotional eating
Improved digestion
A flatter belly with less bloating
Increased strength and muscle tone
and MORE!
Why I created this program and how I know it will help you!
Hi, I'm Bridgette, your B4 and After Health and Fitness Coach and I've worked with clients on weight loss for over 10 years.
During that time, not only have I healed my own adrenal fatigue and metabolism after a rigorous dance career which involved extreme demands on my body (and I’m NOW working through adrenal healing postpartum) but for the last 8 years, I’ve studied under Dr. Sangeeta Pati M.D., Integrative medical doctor and hormone expert! During this time, I saw countless lab values of struggling women, in which I learned to make the connections between lab values that indicate fatigue/stress, the way the woman was feeling, and the lifestyle tools necessary to create change and finally get her seeing results.
I’ve spent 7 years coaching patients through exactly the tools I will teach in this course. Only NOW I’ve solidified these tools into a "method" that will provide a step-by-step process that’s simple to follow and hits all the key points of losing weight using a hormonal weight loss approach that will dramatically reduce hunger and cravings, allow you to still eat your favorite foods and have a healthy relationship with food that will lead to LASTING weight loss and a joyful life free of worrying about the scale and every single bite of food.

I am a trained and certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer and it is my pleasure to help clients succeed in their goals every day.
This program has everything you need to rebalance and feel amazing!
Join me! Let's begin your journey!
You're unique and so is your program
Let's create your perfect plan together!
I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. While my tried and true principles remain the same, your program with me will be customized to your needs and goals.
This program provides the best of both worlds combining one on one coaching and community coaching via virtual group sessions.
The method...

A great transformation starts with a great foundation!
Fat Loss Foundations is a 6-8 week one-on-one coaching experience with me. This is a great way to prime the body for fat loss and ease into the healthy habits, mindset, and energy levels for success.
Most women will need to start here in order to achieve the best results and be able to achieve results with the MTM program.
After completion of this phase, we will jump into the full MTM phases 1-4 over the course of the next 6 months.
Read below for what is covered in each phase!
hormones that control fat storage and your
metabolic clock!
In midlife, old diet “tricks” and quick fixes no longer serve us. They either don’t work at all or act as temporary solutions.
In the BALANCE phase, you will learn to eat in way that effectively turns on fat burning without restrictive dieting. Knowing the foods that help to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, and promote detoxification will not only help with weight loss but will also ease symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
You will learn how to structure your meals, meal prep and apply “circadian fasting” as a tool to regulate the body’s “metabolic clock” and reset cortisol patterns.

release of inflammation
Midlife hormonal changes cause an inability for the body to detox excess hormones, convert and utilize hormones, and lose stored fat. We also see a natural rise in inflammation.
In this phase we learn how to BOOST the release of inflammation via nutrition and detoxication.
Also, it becomes imperative to know how to avoid toxins as much as possible to protect metabolic health along with having a clearer mind, more energy, and better sleep-- all requirements for the body to release stored fat and feel amazing.
This phase is about promoting enhanced function of the gut and liver in order to properly detoxify.

stress resilience to release "stress fat"
In phase 3 we BUILD stress resilience. Stress is something that all of us are bombarded with daily but many of us don’t have effective skills to manage it.
As hormones decline, our bodies become less stress resilient leading to an imbalance in stress hormones and metabolic hormones which leads to poor thyroid function, further reduction in sex hormones and ultimately weight gain.
Stress is also a driving force in emotional eating and overeating. No, it's not your fault and willpower is NOT the answer!
Disrupted sleep patterns also act as a type of stressor that further exacerbates our hormone symptoms and weight gain. You will learn ways to signal “safety” to the nervous system and conquer daily stress in practical, easy to learn ways.

more fat through increasing muscle mass and a protocol for safe and effective exercise for women over 35
Your exercise approach over age 35 needs to change!
The emphasis on muscle mass becomes more imperative as the rate of muscle loss accelerates, further declining our metabolic rate.
The more muscle we have, the more efficiently we BURN fat and promote better quality of life as we age. With exercising strategically, eating and supplementing to fuel muscle, and with enough rest and recovery, we protect our bodies from an increase in inflammation and cortisol--both of which can cause weight gain or weight loss resistance.
In phase 4, you will learn the guidelines for exactly how midlife women should structure their exercise program, along with a 12-week plan to get started! Option to add virtual personal training with me!